Our mission is to foster camaraderie, promote personal growth and drive professional development among veterans, equipping them with the tools and knowledge for success as golf caddies.


Loops Fore Troops was born from the profound impact that the game of golf and caddying has had on our team and our personal recovery.  As veterans, we have faced many different challenges both physical and mental as we learned how to integrate back into civilian life following our time in service. For us, it was the power of golf and caddying that we used as therapeutic tools.  These pursuits have provided more than just recreation, they’ve offered solace and healing.

Furthermore, we believe in the exceptional qualities veterans bring to caddying, spanning from local resorts to prestigious professional tours.  The attributes veterans acquire during military service such as – professionalism, unwavering dedication, poised demeanor and technical prowess – position them to excel as exceptional caddies.

At Loops Fore Troops, we’ve witnessed firsthand how the synergy between veterans and the golf course not only enriches their lives, but also elevates the golfing experience.  This belief fuels our commitment to empowering veterans, giving them a renewed sense of purpose, and transforming them into some of the finest caddies in the industry.


In golf, a “looper” typically refers to a caddie who is carrying a player’s bag and assisting them during a round of golf.

The term “looper” finds its origins in the 19th century in Scotland and England, where many golf courses boast traditional links layouts that often feature an ‘out and back’ sequence of golf holes.  As a result, a complete round of golf was referred to as a ‘loop’, with the caddies accompanying the golfers earning the nickname ‘loopers’.

These knowledgeable assistants provide invaluable aid to golfers, offering insights on yardages, club selection, green reading and even moral support.


We know from our personal experiences how caddying can give veterans  both physical and mental healing.

By the end of the three week session, our hope is that the veterans who come through our program leave having found the same mental and physical healing that we did through caddying.

Furthermore, during military service, veterans developed many traits and skills needed to be a successful caddie.

Some of the skills and traits include:

Discipline – Leadership – Problem Solving – Teamwork – Attention to Detail – Communication – Respect – Professionalism – Physical Endurance – Calm Under Pressure.

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Loops Fore Troops is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID 93-2779516

© Loops Fore Troops 2023

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